Of Sorrow and Such

SorrowsandSuch_FINAL_hiresOf Sorrow and Such is from Tor.com’s new flagship novella imprint and is set in the universe I created for the Sourdough Cycle. It follows Patience, whose early life was introduced in “Gallowberries” and whose later years were hinted at in “Sister, Sister” (both in Sourdough and Other Stories). I always wanted to go back and explore what happened in between.

Also: Of Sorrow and Such won the Ditmar Award for Best Novella at Contact 2016, the annual national Australian Spec-Fic convention.

Ze blurb:

Mistress Gideon is a witch. The locals of Edda’s Meadow, if they suspect it of her, say nary a word-Gideon has been good to them, and it’s always better to keep on her good side. Just in case.

When a foolish young shapeshifter goes against the wishes of her pack, and gets herself very publicly caught, the authorities find it impossible to deny the existence of the supernatural in their midst any longer; Gideon and her like are captured, bound for torture and a fiery end.

Should Gideon give up her sisters in return for a quick death? Or can she turn the situation to her advantage?


Of Sorrow and Such takes you to dark, unsettling places. Angela Slatter’s magic is earthy, bodily and beleaguered; in the hands of tough, clever Patience Gideon it’s a powerful instrument for wresting justice from a hostile world. A riveting read.” — Margo Lanagan, World Fantasy Award winning author of Black Juice and Sea-Hearts

“Of Sorrow and Such is Angela Slatter at her best. Characters and settings spring fully alive from the page, and the storytelling provides rich nourishment for both intellect and spirit.” — Juliet Marillier, Aurealis Award winning author of Dreamer’s Pool, and the Sevenwaters series

To purchase:

You can buy it here or ask politely about it in your local genre specialist bookstore (like Brisbane’s wonderful Pulp Fiction).